Financial Planning

Whether it’s owning your own home, funding your children’s education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. We use a consultative approach to create a financial plan that aims to meet your objectives.

Tax Planning

It’s said that only two things are certain in life: Death…and Taxes! And while there’s not much you can do to avoid the former, with prudent planning and foresight, there’s a lot you can do to minimize the later.


Estate Planning

Having an estate plan is paramount in ensuring your estate is handled according to your wishes. Together with your estate planning attorney, we can assist in drafting documents and reviewing your situation so your estate benefits the people and charities you care about most.

Insurance Planning

If there’s one thing certain about life – it’s the uncertainty that living it brings. The best laid plans can sometimes come to naught!


Charitable Giving

Everyone has their own reason for gifting their assets or a portion of their income to charitable organizations.  Some find comfort in helping others who are less fortunate, while others simply want to share their good fortune.  Many of the institutions of art, sciences and education ar


Education Planning

Like Retirement Planning, which has to commence long before you enter into retirement, Education Planning (for yourself or your children) needs to occur well before mature learners or young scholars are poised to embrace higher education.


Women in Transition

From career-woman to wife/partner, and from caring mom to single-motherhood, separation and divorce – women go through more transitions during a lifetime than most of us realize.


Divorce Planning

Relationships, like marriages or common-law spousal arrangements, are initiated with the best of intentions in mind and heart. However, the every-day stresses of life, and the toll that family-life can take on some unions, often leads to a rethinking of those original intentions.